Yellowstone Teton Territory

March 11

12:00 PM

Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce (167 Ste. 2 W. Main St., Rexburg, ID 83440, United States)

Good Afternoon YTT Members Hope you are all having a great winter/spring season. Not quite sure today which!!! We would like to call your attention to our general YTT board meeting Thursday, March 11 at 12 noon at the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce Conference Room. At this meeting, we will be doing many things that we think you will all be interested in. Please attend either in person or by zoom link which will be sent to you as we get closer to the date. 1. At the meeting in March, we will be presenting the list of candidates developed by the President’s Nominating Committee for Executive Board offices and County Representatives. At the meeting we will also be taking nominations from the floor which will be added to the official ballot. Please consider which category you might be interested in or if you may know someone that you have talked with and would be willing to serve. As a County Representative, you need to either be a legal representative of the county, own a business in the county or be employed by a business in the county in which you represent. Then voting will take place during the month of March/April via email with a deadline posted in April. The new board will be presented at the May meeting. 2. There will be a discussion of the amount of dues required for each year beginning with each members yearly renewal. 3. There have been several By Law updates presented and will be voted on at this meeting. 4. And as usual there will be lots of good info for the upcoming summer months when we will take a 3 month break for all of our busy summer months. Thank you all for your volunteering, help, and efforts to make YTT Region 6 the best region in the state. Donna Benfield YTT Marketing 208 403-2101 ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 253 332 146 047 Passcode: rH3EV2Sd ________________________________ For organizers: Meeting options ________________________________________________________________________________

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