Enter the name of your business or non-profit. If joining as an individual or couple, list your names.
Select the category your business should be listed in. If you wish to be shown in multiple categories, you must select the "Additional Category" product, enter the name, then select the category. You must have added your main membership to the cart before you purchase additional businesses or options. Individuals must choose "Individual/Couples" category.

2025 Membership Drive Underway

It's time to renew your chamber membership for 2025! Join or renew online here.

Thanks to a generous grant from Yellowstone-Teton Territory, we have been able to heavily invest in our website and communication tools and are planning, developing, and executing on huge improvements to the value of our membership. Sign up for our email list below to stay informed on new and exciting developments.

Why Join the Chamber?

Joining the Chamber of Commerce offers significant advantages for your business and the local community. As a member, you gain access to valuable networking opportunities, allowing you to build strong relationships with other business owners and community leaders. Additionally, you’ll stay informed about local economic developments and have a platform to contribute to initiatives that shape the future of the community. By joining, you demonstrate your commitment to supporting local business growth, tourism, and community development in the Island Park Area and outlying communities.   

Member pricing

  • $35 for individuals/couples
  • $50 for Non-profit organizations
  • $200 for Businesses
    • $25 for each additional category on the website

To become a member, add your desired membership type (business, non-profit, or individual) to the cart. For any additional business or category you wish to include, add each to the cart. For more information call 208-558-7755 or email info@islandparkchamber.org